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Speaking of Simulation Part 1 - Machine Learning

Speaking of Simulation Part 1 - Machine Learning

Speaking of Simulation Part 1 - Machine Learning

We are delighted to introduce this exclusive series of articles exploring how leading organisations in the engineering simulation community utilise different simulation techniques.

This first article in the series discusses Machine Learning (ML). ML, a subset of Artificial Intelligence (AI), focuses on developing algorithms and statistical models that progressively enable computer systems to improve their performance on specific tasks without explicit programming. ML is invaluable across various fields because it can learn from data, recognise patterns, and make decisions or predictions based on these patterns. It is particularly useful for analysing large, complex datasets and automating the construction of models. It’s important to note that the engineering application of ML techniques is still in its nascent stage. The predominant use of ML models currently is in developing fast-running, lightweight surrogate models, which facilitate rapid exploration of design spaces.

This article appeared in the July 2024 issue of BENCHMARK.

Document Details

AuthorsGróza. M Symington. I
TypeMagazine Article
Date 16th July 2024


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