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Computing Platforms for Engineering Simulation - 2015 vs 2020

The aim of this article is to present some preliminary results for the recent 2020NAFEMS/EXDCI-2 survey on “Computing Platforms for Engineering” simulation and compare them with the same survey carried out in 2014 and published in2015. The original survey was prepared by the NAFEMS High Performance Computing Working Group in 2014; with input from colleagues in the European Exascale Software Initiative (EESI-2), the N8 HPC Service (UK) and Teratec (France). The second survey was prepared as part of EXDCI-2 task 3.3 run by NAFEMS. The survey was advertised to NAFEMS members and the broader engineering simulation community in August 2020 and data collection ended in November 2020.

Here, survey responses are reviewed for the following topics: (i) The largest simulations carried out for the main types of engineering analysis and (ii) the maximum number of cores used.

For a more detailed analysis of the survey, please look out for the author’s talk at the NAFEMS World Congress 2021 and a new joint NAFEMS/EXDCI-2 publication expected later in 2021 .

Document Details

AuthorMargetts. L
TypeMagazine Article
Date 1st July 2021
OrganisationUniversity of Manchester


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