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Surrogate Model Based Safety Performance Assessment of Integrated Vehicle Safety Systems - Connecting and Accelerating Simulation Domains

There are two major trends currently emerging in vehicle safety systems development. First, there is a trend towards the fusing together of active and passive safety into integrated safety in order to further reduce the number of injuries in road traffic accidents. The second trend is a shift away from single test cases to scenario-based testing in order to cover a broader range of possible scenarios that the system would encounter in real-world application. This article is about the resulting challenges and how we address them.

Document Details

AuthorsWimmer. P Kirschbichler. S Zehbe. O Hay. J Fehr. J Schories. L Bayerschen. E
TypeMagazine Article
Date 1st July 2021
OrganisationsVirtual Vehicle Research University of Stuttgart ZF


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