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Using Artificial Intelligence to Analyze Crash Simulations

This article featured in the July 2018 edition of benchmark "Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning - Believe the Hype?"

In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has disrupted almost every industrial branch, be it Robotics, Medicine, Marketing, Geology, Astronomy and many more but Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) is still only beginning to incorporate AI technology. This article demonstrates how AI-technology is already being used at Lasso GmbH to analyze crash simulations. The results shown in this article originate from a doctoral thesis done at Opel Automobile GmbH, which emphasizes the industrial relevance of the topic.

Document Details

AuthorDiez. C
AudiencesAnalyst Developer
TypeMagazine Article
Date 1st July 2018
OrganisationLasso GmbH


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