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A Review of Composites Simulation Tools

In 2014, NAFEMS conducted a user survey about the current practice for the analysis of composite structures. The results revealed that the most used FE software are Abaqus, Nastran, ANSYS and LSDYNA, with a preference based on the type of analysis that is conducted: linear analysis with Nastran, non linear analysis with Abaqus, crash or impact simulation with LS-DYNA. More specific applications are performed with LMS Samcef, MARC, PAM-CRASH or RADIOSS. All these FEA packages offer extended capabilities for the analysis of composites that can also be complemented with dedicated software suites for the design, the manufacture and the analysis of the performance of composites.In this review, a selection of the composites simulation tools is presented. A short description for each of the composites solutions is provided including a highlight of the key features. This review is not comprehensive and focuses mainly on commonly used commercial FE software, add-ons and plug-ins. An extended review will be made available online. Vendors who produce composites simulation software are invited to contact the working group using the web link below:

Document Details

AuthorMiot. S
AudiencesAnalyst Manager Student
TypeMagazine Article
Date 1st July 2015
OrganisationStrategic Simulation and Analysis


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