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Composite Process Simulation - Digitally Reinforcing High-Rate Composite Manufacture

Fibre reinforced polymer composites have been a mainstay of research and development in aerospace and motorsport industries for decades. With mass reduction and increased structural efficiency becoming a key priority in the transport, renewable energy, marine and construction sectors, the composites industry faces new challenges to meet the growing demand and cut component costs.Developing highly repeatable automated production lines is critical for composite manufacturing industries to make the transition from low volume business models to the high volume cost-efficient manufacturing these new markets demands.The National Composites Centre UK ( is the UK hub for composites manufacturing industry and provides a focal point for research and development into automated composite processing. The Bristol-base centre houses a multidisciplinary team of over 140 staff who are successfully supporting industrial partners in understanding and solving a range of issues facing composite manufacturers.As part of the NCC technology development,manufacturing process simulation plays a key role in developing insight and guiding the development of composites manufacturing processes to accelerate innovation and reduce the cost and risk associated with process development. Among the wide ranging research into automated manufacturing, automated fibre placement, resin infusion and induction welding of thermoplastics stand out as examples where challenging simulations have provided real benefit to NCC members.

Document Details

AuthorsGiddings. P Stojkovic. M
AudiencesAnalyst Manager
TypeMagazine Article
Date 1st July 2015
OrganisationNational Composites Centre


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