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Integration of Driving Physical Properties into the Development of a Virtual Test Field for Highly Automated Vehicle Systems

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems/Autonomous Driving (ADAS/AD) are becoming more and more important in the automotive industry. It is expected, that automated vehicles will provide promising advantages in transportation and mobility. In 2019, 48% of all new cars sold in Germany were equipped with a lane keeping assistant, 39% had an autonomous emergency brake and 38% were delivered with an adaptive cruise control. In 2020, 90% of German car drivers were of the opinion that ADAS increased vehicle safety and 89% thought assistance systems make driving more pleasant. Although the data refers to the German market, a similar result can be expected internationally. This leads to the expectation that the market for ADAS will continue to grow in the future. Besides the opportunities ADAS offer for vehicle safety, they also increase vehicle complexity and the testing effort.

Document Details

AuthorsDegen. R Ott. H Overath. F Ruschitzka. M Klein. F Schyr. C Leijon. M
TypeMagazine Article
Date 28th January 2022
OrganisationsCologne University of Applied Sciences Uppsala University Hoersch und Hennrich Architekten GbR AVL


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