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Is Your House in Order? Your Engineering Simulation House, that is!

Whether you have noticed it or not, there is an ongoing revolution occurring around the world! OK, so I am not referring to any political rebellion. What I am referring to is the change in the overall approach to performing engineering simulation. There are fundamental changes and advances being made today in the overall processes, methods, and tools under development that will be required by companies to tackle future technical business issues in order to perform at competitive levels. Gone are the days when the operation of a conceptual or real-world system, phenomenon, or process could be modeled, simulated, and analyzed in sufficient detail via the use of an FEA or CFD solution method so that business decisions might be made with sufficient credibility and minimum risk.

Document Details

AuthorDreisbach. R
TypeMagazine Article
Date 10th February 2021
OrganisationNAFEMS Technical Fellow


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