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Efficient Preparation of Quality Simulation Models

The time and cost associated with creating simulation models often preventstheir wider use and alternative methods, such as physical testing, are used tosupport new product development. Meshing, property assignment and model assembly processes still represent a challenging bottleneck that must be resolved to enable the full potential of simulation methods to drive the development of new products. This efficient preparation of quality simulation models was the subject of a NAFEMS seminar held in Birmingham, UK, in late 2017. Sponsored by ITI, attendees represented a full range of NAFEMS members, including large corporations, small consultancies, academics and software vendors. The seminar was chaired by Morten Ostergaard of Airbus and member of the NAFEMS UK steering group.

Document Details

Authorde Souza. A
TypeMagazine Article
Date 1st January 2019
OrganisationQuesada Solutions


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