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Building the Credibility of Engineering Simulation in Aerospace

The seminar “Building the Credibility of Engineering Simulation in Aerospace” was organized by the Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France (AAAF) Structures Committee at ISAF-SUPAÉRO Toulouse. The seminar was aimed at identifying industrial expectations and perspectives for the future. The AAAF plays a major role in helping academia and the French aerospace industry exchange technical information. The primary relationship with NAFEMS is to collaborate on topics of common interest, this is facilitated through the participation of key French aerospace experts. NAFEMS is publishing this review to disseminate the conclusions and recommendations of this event which we see as being of interest to the wider NAFEMS community.

Document Details

AuthorImbert. J-F
AudiencesAnalyst Manager
TypeMagazine Article
Date 1st January 2018
OrganisationSIMconcept Consulting


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