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The Convergence of Materials Science and Structural Analysis

With the increased emphasis on reducing cost and time to market of new materials, ICME (Integrated Computational Materials Engineering) has become a fast growing discipline within materials science and engineering.The vision of ICME is compelling in many respects, not only for the value added in developing new products with advanced, tailored materials such as composites, but also for enhanced efficiency and performance of these materials. Although the challenges and barriers (both technical and cultural) are formidable, substantial cost, schedule, and technical benefits can result from broad development,implementation, and validation of ICME principles [1]. It must be emphasized that ICME is an integrated approach to the design of products and the materials that comprise them, that is accomplished by linking material and structural models at multiple time and length scales.

Document Details

AuthorArnold. S
AudiencesAnalyst Developer Manager
TypeMagazine Article
Date 1st January 2018


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