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Introduction to LOng Term Archiving and Retrieval (LOTAR) of Engineering Analysis and Simulation Data

The objective of the LOTAR International consortium is to develop, test, publishand maintain standards for long-term archiving (LTA) of digital data, such as 3DCAD and PDM data. These standards will define auditable archiving and retrieval processes. LOTAR International membership includes leading OEMs and suppliers in the aerospace and defense industry from the EU and the Americas under the joint auspices of Aerospace and Defense Industries Association of Europe for Standardization (ASD-STAN), Aerospace Industries Association (AIA), PDES Inc, ProSTEP iViP Association and AFNeT

Document Details

AuthorThe LOTAR International Consortium
TypeMagazine Article
Date 1st January 2017
OrganisationLOTAR International Consortium


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