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Virtual Engineering to Ensure Excellent Customer Experiences for Life

One of the biggest challenges for automotive manufacturers is to achieve higherlevels of reliability and durability for what is accepted as being the life of the vehicle (10 years or minimum of 150,000 miles with 4-7 years warranty), under a greater variation of use due to a widening consumer base. New vehicle lines addressing new segments of the market, with different characteristics in terms of vehicle use and expansion are the key factors. The purpose of design verification is to ensure that a product has met its design requirements, which are set to ensure that a product will satisfy the customer not only in terms of performance, but also in terms of the time period over which it gives this performance, i.e. product reliability.

Document Details

AuthorKhapane. P
AudiencesAnalyst Manager
TypeMagazine Article
Date 1st January 2017
OrganisationJaguar Land Rover


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