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Modelling and Numerical Analysis of Silos Under Discharge Using a Space-Time Single-Phase Level-Set-Method

Modelling and Numerical Analysis of Silos Under Discharge Using a Space-Time Single-Phase Level-Set-Method

In this article, a monolithic approach to fluid-structure interactions based on the space-time finite element method is presented. It is applied to investigate stress states in silos during centric and eccentric discharges.

Using the continuum approach, the silo-shell is modelled as an elastic solid, whereas the bulk material is described by a model for viscoplastic compressible fluids. Between the fluid and solid, advanced slip boundary conditions incorporating friction are taken into account. In order to solve the governing equations of the multi-field problem, the weighted residual method is applied, which is discretized by time-discontinuous space-time finite elements. Within the simultaneous solution procedure for the coupled problem, the kinematics of both solid and fluid is described by velocities as primary variables.

Document Details

AuthorReinstädler. S
TypeMagazine Article
Date 5th April 2022
OrganisationCENIT AG


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