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Design for Environmental Excellence: Life Cycle Assessment of Hybrid Composite Structures

Design for Environmental Excellence (DfEE) is a product design philosophy thataims at generating minimum waste during a product's cradle-to-grave life cycle.The underlying idea is to address environmental impacts at all the stages of theproduct life cycle. DfEE helps in creating a more sustainable society. However, moreresearch is required to establish the process and standards for incorporating DfEEprinciples at the early design stage. Deliberate decisions on material use, energyefficiency and waste avoidance can minimize environmental impacts. When it comes tothe product development process, change should start at the early design stage becauseit is clear that most decisions that affect future environmental impacts are made at thedesign stage. Understanding the product’s life cycle and being more responsible are keyfactors in this.

Document Details

AuthorsRamu. P Sivakumar P Balaganesan. G Vidyabhushana. H Ramanath. V
TypeMagazine Article
Date 1st May 2021
OrganisationIndian Institute of Technology Hyderabad


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