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Dynamic Simulation Of Flight Test Manoeuvres On The Diamond D-JET

The numerical simulation of the complex fluid-structure interaction taking place when manoeuvring an aircraft remains a challenge. A realistic analysis of the airplane manoeuvrability often involves the presence of moving parts, such as the deflection of the elevators, the ailerons, or the elevons. For conventional Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) codes, dealing with such moving geometries is a challenging task. The following work uses a software based on the lattice-Boltzmann method (LBM) to overcome these issues. This article, which won the “Best Presented Paper” award at the 2013 NAFEMS World Congress, presents a numerical study on the dynamic simulation of flight test manoeuvres on the Diamond D-JET, using the XFlow virtual wind tunnel. The pitch capture manoeuvre is first simulated, studying the pitch oscillation response of the aircraft. Dutch roll flight mode is then numerically reproduced. Finally, the D-JET angle of attack is evaluated in the post-stall regime under controlled movements of the elevator.

Document Details

AuthorsVan Bavel. L Holman. D Brionnaud. R Garcia-Camprubi. M
TypeMagazine Article
Date 1st April 2014
OrganisationsDiamond Aircraft Industries Next Limit Technologies


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