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Open-Source Software for Engineering Simulation

Most people involved in the world of simulation will have heard about the opensource part of the engineering simulation landscape. The aim of this article is to take a sneak peek into this world and try to understand its whys and hows. The authors have tried to find their way through discussions with open-source software developers and users of the technology.

Let us start by defining what software, for us simulation engineers, is. Software can be defined as a tool that aids in the realisation of our tasks. To not seem as one who shows up empty-handed, one must prepare for a specific project with the right tools. To successfully provide answers to a virtual testing scenario requires having the right tools at hand and being equipped with theoretical knowledge and practical know-how. Theoretical knowledge can be built up at academic institutions while practical-know how comes from experience, often supported by the developers of various software tools. With these points in mind, we dive into the forest of open-source technologies.

Document Details

AuthorsGroza. M Felhős. D
TypeMagazine Article
Date 1st July 2022
OrganisationBay Zoltan Nonprofit Research


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