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Running Simulation as a Lean Business

In the 2019 movie Ford Versus Ferrari, racecar driver extraordinaire Ken Miles has a heart-to-heart discussion with his son Peter while watching the sunset at Shelby- American’s hub at LAX. After driving around the taxiways, they park the racecar and, sitting on the tarmac, discuss what it takes to perform the ‘Perfect Lap’. Ken tells his son that to perform the ‘Perfect Lap’ you have to follow all the markers – keys on when to accelerate, when to brake, when to shift, taking an optimum line through the corners. To do this, most drivers think you have to narrow your focus and look far in front of the car, concentrating on your particular task – getting the best from your machine. Peter hears from his father that technique is all wrong. Instead of a distant focus, your eyes have to be like a wide-angle lens – you have to broaden your view. And take in everything around you. But, most importantly, a successful racecar driver like Ken has to be one with the car. Ken counsels his son that you have to know intimately the car’s limits to the point that it shakes and groans under you. But doesn’t fall apart. Finally, Peter hears from his father that few can see, few can take all this in, and few can perform a ‘Perfect Lap’. In fact, few even know it’s out there, to be performed only very skillfully – performed only by the very best drivers. Most would think it’s impossible.

T​his article appeared in the January 2023 issue of BENCHMARK

Document Details

AuthorZebrowski. M
TypeMagazine Article
Date 16th January 2023


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