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Improving Simulation Credibility

The NAFEMS Simulation Governance and Management Working Group has launched a new series of online videos on simulation credibility. The videos, which are openly available on YouTube as well as on, are recorded in a relaxed, conversational format, which we hope will give the viewer a bite-sized look at the topics covered. We believe that we are the first NAFEMS working group to produce a series like this. The goal is to reach and connect with simulation analysts who have become accustomed to blending YouTube and similar services with more traditional methods in their continued learning. We know that others, such as NAFEMS’ own Tony Abbey, have preceded our efforts with a series of more detailed training videos. Our vision is that videos such as ours will compliment those longer videos, reaching viewers seeking a brief introduction to a topic, and helping to lead them to more formal instruction as appropriate.

T​his article appeared in the January 2023 issue of BENCHMARK

Document Details

AuthorsWestwater. G Oberkampf. W
TypeMagazine Article
Date 16th January 2023
OrganisationNAFEMS Simulation Governance and Management Working Group


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