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The Move Towards Coupled Analyses in Industrial CFD & FEA

Proceedings from "The Move Towards Coupled Analyses in Industrial CFD & FEA" seminar.

S​eminar Programme

09:30Coffee & Registration
10:00Chairman’s Welcome & Introduction
Prof. C Hirsch, Vrije Universiteit, Brussels
10:10Validating CFD Models: Examples in Mechanical Engineering
C.T. Shaw, D.J. Lee and W Glanfield, University of Warwick
10:50Transient Turbulent Flow in Complex Geometries
Z Pan, P Tucker, University of Warwick
11:30Multi-physics Simulations and their Application to Materials Processing/manufacture
C Bailey, University of Greenwich
12:10L U N C H
13:10Fluid/Structural Interactions with the Cut Cell Technique
B Spalding, Computational Heat & Mass Transfer Ltd.
13:50Fluid-Structural Interactions in Industrial Applications by CFD/FEM Coupling
T Wintergerste and C Haack, Sulzer Innotec Ltd., Switzerland
14:30Numerical Simulation of Disturbances Evolving in a Fluid Boundary Layer above a Compliant Surface
C Davies and P Carpenter, Universities of Coventry and Warwick
15:10Conjugate Heat Transfer in an Orbiting Journal Bearing
P Tucker, University of Warwick
15:50Open Discussion Period
Prof. Hirsch (Chairman)
16:30Close of Seminar

Document Details

AuthorsBailey. C Spalding. B Wimterrgerste. T Haack. C Davies. C Carpenter. P Tucker. P Hirsch. Prof
Date 1st January 2000
OrganisationsUniversity of Greenwich Computational Heat & Mass Transfer Ltd Sulzer Universities of Conventry & Warwick


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