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Review of Benchmark Problems for Non-Linear Material Behaviour

Review of Benchmark Problems for Non-Linear Material Behaviour

 Review of Benchmark Problems for Non-Linear Material Behaviour

Due to the evolving nature of the engineering analysis and simulation market this publication no longer represents current best practice and has been archived. The document may be of historical interest and is therefore still available for purchase.

This document reports the work performed for a contract, order number NEL/F/397, issued by the Department of Trade and Industry.The work follows the contents of Proposal ERC(W)12.0676 which was submitted in reply to an Invitation to Tender containing the Work-Statement :

‘A review of Material Nonlinear Benchmark Problems‘, NAFEMS/NL/NS/1, revision 3.

The aim of the work was to identify, as far as possible, a sufficient set of benchmark problems for checking the performance of finite element system with regard to quasi-static structural problems of small deformations involving material non linearity

Such problems would also perform an educational role in providing guidance for the proper use of analysis techniques in this area. The specific tasks of the contract were divided into three work packages: a survey of existing benchmarks; collation and classification; indication of a sufficient set of benchmark problems. It was anticipated that the available problems would contain various deficiencies and, in particular, that statements would be needed of aspects of behaviour which are not covered by existing problems and for which new problems would require generation. Although the survey was chiefly aimed at problems for metallic type materials, some effort has also been devoted to soils and concrete.

Product Details

Order Ref: P15

Member Price
£20.00 | $25.62 | €23.96
Non-member Price
£100.00 | $128.08 | €119.77


R.R. Jakeman & P.S. White

First Published - January 1987

Softback, 190 Pages