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International Journal of Multiphysics Case Studies

NAFEMS International Journal of Multiphysics Case Studies

We are delighted to welcome you to the first issue of the NAFEMS International Journal of Multiphysics, presenting some typical examples of modern multiphysics simulations. The selection of papers does not focus on a specific area, and neither have we attempted to cover the whole field. Multiphysics simulations is a very wide and growing domain and we can therefore look forward to many more interesting contributions in years to come.

This first issue of the journal contains the following papers:

  1. Stefan Sicklinger and co-workers have developed a new approach to simulate the deformation at braking of large wind turbines.

  2. Giuseppe Miccoli and co-workers have validated different codes and algorithms for vibroacoustic analyses.

  3. Bernhard Peters and Mark Michael used an extended DEM to simulate the interaction between a car tire and a stony road.

  4. Bettina Landvogt and collaborators have used FSI to study the performance of a hydraulic pump.

  5. Abhishek Ghosh and co-workers simulate the sloshing of liquid in a fuel tank.

  6. Daniel Aparuti from Tetra Pak has simulated pouring liquid from a Tetra Brik using multiphase fluid-structure interaction (FSI).

Increasingly, engineers and simulation specialists in industry are being asked to perform multiphysics simulations. The trend is partly fueled by the increasing demand for more accurate simulation results of increasingly complex and optimized products, and partly by improved multiphysics capabilities of modern software tools. Unfortunately, just having access to software does not enable engineers to successfully perform multiphysics simulations. One problem is that most of us have left university with only one engineering degree. We might be perfectly comfortable in the field of structural mechanics, but feel less confident when asked to perform a coupled electromagnetic-thermal analysis, including induced currents in ferromagnetic materials, conjugate heat transfer with turbulence, or heat transfer by radiation. Since it is impossible to become an expert in all fields of engineering simulations, more efficient means of acquiring the required knowledge are necessary. Additionally, navigating the landscape of technologies to study multiphysics phenomena can be daunting for young analysts. Hence, we hope that this journal will serve as both an inspiration and a source of knowledge for practitioners of multiphysics simulations in the field.


Fluid-Structure-Control Interaction for Simulating the Emergency Brake Maneuver of Wind Turbines

S. Sicklinger, A. Kürkchübasche, and V. Belsky

High Performance Computation Codes for Vibroacoustic Simulation in the Automotive Field 

G Miccoli, C Bertolini. and K Vansant

Rolling of Tire over Granular Material as an Interaction between the Discrete Element and Finite Element Method

 B Peters and M Michael

Numerical Simulation of Fluid-Structure Interaction in the Design Process of a Novel Axial Hydraulic Pump

B Landvogt, L Osiecki, T Zawistowski, and B Zylinski

UAV Fuel Tank Slosh Simulation to Determine Structural Stress and Slosh Dynamics 

J N Ghaisas, A Ghosh, P Gupta, P Bhatia, and G Mudgal

FSI Simulation of Pouring Flow from a Tetra Brik® Package.

D Apparuti

NAFEMS International Journal of Multiphysics Case Studies - Details for Authors

Product Details

Order Ref: MPJ01

Member Price
£20.00 | $25.62 | €23.96
Non-member Price
£60.00 | $76.85 | €71.86


First Published - January 2017

Softback, 72 Pages