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BENCHMARK October 2018

BENCHMARK October 2018

Interactive Simulation


BENCHMARK October 2018 Interactive Simulation

In the BENCHMARK October 2018 Issue, you will find out about:

  • Interactive Simulation - From Far-fetched Sci-Fi to Valuable Engineering Tool
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality - The Future of how we Interact with Computers?
  • Interactive Modelling and Simulation for Virtual Engineering Design and Analysis
  • FEA Puzzler: How Confident Are You?
  • Real-time Mechanism and System Simulation Supporting Human-in-the-loop simulators
  • Simulation Data Management - The Next Challenges
  • NAFEMS World Congress 2019
  • Vendor Viewpoint
  • Analysis Origins - A Brief History of MSC and NASTRAN
  • Applications of Extended Reality
  • Insight from a NAFEMS Technical Fellow
  • Excel for Engineers and other STEM Professionals


Product Details

Order Ref: BmarkOctober18 - Print

Member Price
£12.00 | $16.06 | €14.42
Non-member Price
£14.00 | $18.73 | €16.83

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Benchmark October 2018


Interactive Flipbook View

Members can also access an interactive flipbook version of the magazine here

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