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BENCHMARK January 2018

BENCHMARK January 2018

Bringing it all Together: Multiphysics, Multiscale & Co-Simulation

In this Issue...

  • Near-Future Directions of Multiscale & Multiphysics Modeling & Simulation
  • Personalized Healthcare in the Age of Simulation
  • Co-simulation - Art or Science?
  • Large Deformation of Rubber Sleeves in Valves Using Strongly Coupled Fluid-Structure Interaction
  • Multiphysics Analysis of Lithium Ion Battery
  • What is The Functional Mock-up Interface?
  • Aero-Vibro-Acoustics for Wind Noise ApplicationsAn Introduction to Multiphase Flow Modelling
  • Why do I need Multiscale Modeling?
  • Multiphysics of Sloshing in the Nuclear Industry
  • Benchmarking Accuracy and Parallel Performance of an Open Source
  • Framework for Fluid Structure Interaction Problems
  • Building the Credibility of Engineering Simulation in Aerospace
  • Co-Simulation - What is it?
  • Excel for Engineers and other STEM Professionals


Hands-up – we’re late. That’s the problem with trying to squeeze so much engaging content into one magazine with an incredibly small editorial and print team over the Christmas break (happy new year, btw) (Can I say “btw”? Is that allowed?).

The only redeeming feature of our lateness is the fact that I’m writing this editorial on January 25th, which, if you’re from the same parts as I am, means only one thing. It’s Burns Night. Not the third-degree kind (that would be a silly celebration), no. Rabbie Burns. Scotland’s national poet. C’mon – science isn’t THAT far removed from the arts, is it?

So, whilst I contemplate addressing my haggis this evening (steady), I’ve decided to present this month’s editorial in a form that would make Rabbie proud. Probably.

An Ode tae MultiPhysics (and aww that)

They’ve aw got ways and means these days,
Tae dae thir work in different ways
Wi’ve got an Intro tae Multiphase
Page fifty four
So drag yersel’ fae yer malaise
And shut yer door.

You’ll read and read and read it aw!
Some articles will leave ye raw,
Yi’ll huv tae read they wans again
Tae unerstaun
The authors words inside yir brain
Or git a haun.

Bringin’ it aw thegither’s the theme
As wide a scope ah’ve nivir seen
Thurs everyhin that’s ever been
Inside the mag
Fae aerospace tae the nuclear scene.

An this year’s fu’ e stuff fae us
Regional Conferences gie us a buzz
Tae see whit everywan else does
Oan the stage
Git tae
And noo ma rhyming scheme’s awa’

2018’s a massive year
An we hope ye’ll want tae join us here
Oor conferences gie loads a cheer
Especially in the bar
So git involved an huv nae fear
Mine’s a single malt.

And for those of you who may need an English translation...... here you go


David Quinn I Editor I I @benchtweet

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Benchmark January 2018

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