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NWC23 - The Key Technical Takeaways

The words of Bob Tickel from Cummins Inc during his excellent keynote presentation at this year's NAFEMS World Congress. To put this in context, Bob was responding to a question about the role of digital twins in his organisation. In his response, he was clear that this is an area that Cummins is looking at, and where they have some success stories. Still, the challenge is in keeping it all connected. Whilst he is talking about an engineering challenge, he could also have been talking about the NAFEMS World Congress itself. Finding out how others are addressing emerging issues, sharing that knowledge, and talking about the problems and their solutions is vital for us all to progress. If we're all pulling (or jumping) in the same direction, we're stronger than individually.

More than 300 presentations over four days is a lot to summarise in one magazine, never mind in one article. Undeterred by the scale of the challenge, we've come together to hold hands, jump up and down, and attempt to highlight some of the key technical takeaways from the Congress.

Document Details

AuthorsGróza. M Symington. I Quinn. D
TypeMagazine Article
Date 31st July 2023


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