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How to Handle Dynamics Simulations Like an Expert

How to Handle Dynamics Simulations Like an Expert

A Practical Industry Workshop for New and Experienced Simulation Engineers

Thursday 26th June 2025

You are asked to do a simulation for a dynamics problem. Does the request come from someone who understands the difference between statics and dynamics? If not, you might have to explain that statics is primarily about how a structure behaves under a loading condition and thus is concerned with deflections and stresses generated–time does not usually come into the calculations.

On the other hand, dynamic behaviour includes vibration due to rotating machinery, the motion due to a suddenly applied load, how passengers or cargo are shaken during transport, etc. In all of these simulations, along with the stiffness of the structure, the mass distribution must be modelled as well.

A particularly unfavourable case is where the structure is driven to resonance by an oscillating load. Here deflections can be orders of magnitude larger than a deflection based on a statics calculation. Furthermore, for a dynamics simulation, it is necessary to include the effect of energy dissipation during vibration, usually modelled as a damper.

Why Attend?

This workshop is aimed at both new and experienced engineers. Using example problems based on case studies and lessons learned from practical experience, the workshop will help those new to dynamics simulations by describing common pitfalls while providing experienced practitioners with methods for dealing with difficult cases.

This seminar will include a Vibration Measurement Demonstration, giving attendees hands-on experience with real-world applications.

P​reliminary Agenda

09:00 Registration

Chairman's Introduction & Welcome
H​ugh Goyder, Cranfield University

Review of Vibration

Finite Element Formulation for Vibration

Difficulties in Vibration Modelling

11:00 Coffee break

Guidelines for Vibration Modelling

Pitfalls, Tips & Tricks

Industrial Case Studies

12:50 – 14:00 Lunch break

P​ractical Workshop Sessions:


Talk on Measurement of Vibration

Demonstration of Vibration Measurement

16:00 Discussion Session & Closing Remarks

16:30 Close

1​6:30 Optional Rolls-Royce Heritage Centre Tour


Event Type Seminar
Member Price £200.00 | $256.15 | €239.53
Non-member Price £290.00 | $371.41 | €347.31
Credit Price Free when using 2 Member Credits


Start Date End Date Location
26 Jun 202526 Jun 2025Derby, UK
F​ree to attend with 2 Member Credits!


R​olls Royce Derby
The Nightingale Hall
Moor Lane
The Pavilion
DE24 9HY


Support us ...

We would like to extend an invitation to your company to be part of this event. There are several outstanding opportunities available for your company to sponsor the seminar, giving you maximum exposure to a highly targeted audience of delegates, who are all directly involved in simulation, analysis, and design.

P​lease contact the event organiser
Jo Potts, for further information; +44 (0)1355 225688

O​ptional Rolls-Royce Heritage Centre Tour

D​etails of what to expect can be found here

W​e will have experts on hand to answer any questions, the tour is not guided but should take around 60 minutes to complete.