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Solving Structural Integrity Challenges with Engineering Simulation

NAFEMS Iberia Seminar

Solving Structural Integrity Challenges with Engineering Simulation

Thursday 13 November 2025 | Madrid, Spain




Structural Integrity is required in many engineering sectors to create products that will serve their designed purpose and remain functional for their desired service life.

The NAFEMS Iberia seminar will focus on the role of engineering simulation approaches - including FEA, CFD and associated technologies - in providing safe, practical and reliable solutions to structural integrity problems including:

  • Fluid-structure interaction,
  • Impact, Shock and Crash,
  • Simulation for Vulnerability,
  • Integration of Analysis & Test.

The seminar will offer presentations on novel case studies, innovations, new practices, etc. and will facilitate discussions and meetings with like-minded engineers to help improve your knowledge, your collaborations and network, and help prepare you for future developments in the industry.

Call for Presentations Open

Presentations are expected to last 15 minutes, followed by a 5 minute discussion. The best presentation will be voted for by the NAFEMS Iberia Steering Group and will then be put forward for publication in the NAFEMS technical journal, EMAS.

Submission Deadlines and Requirements

16 September: For the first stage, please submit your abstract, approximately 300 words, using the format provided below.


07 October: Authors whose abstracts are accepted will be notified prior to this date and asked to prepare a PowerPoint presentation using the NAFEMS model provided. The presentation must follow these defined “Presentation & Speaker Rules and Suggestions”


28 October: The following should be sent to the NAFEMS Iberia event contact prior to this date:

1. PowerPoint or PDF of the presentation to be used for the event.

The presentation will be reviewed by the Technical Committee according to the above considerations. Please note that presenters will be able to update their presentations until the date defined below, but major changes will require a repeat of the review process.


2. A Speaker Biography to aid the Session Chairman with Speaker and presentation introductions using the document provided.


3. A completed and signed Speaker Declaration Form, using the document provided. NAFEMS requests permission to distribute the presentations in PDF format to the seminar attendees and then provide this to members after a certain time interval (typically 6 months). NAFEMS acknowledges that some confidential information may be contained in the presentations and in this case a reasonably modified version may be used for distribution/viewing purposes.

11 November: Updated versions of the above presentations and/or documents can be sent prior to this date. Please note that we cannot accept presentations on the event day.

Please e-mail your abstract (including a phone number) to


Event Type Seminar
Member Price Free
Non-member Price Free


Start Date End Date Location
13 Nov 202513 Nov 2025Madrid, Spain


  • The conference is FREE OF CHARGE for experienced experts, engineers, developers and practitioners in the field. This includes coffee breaks and snacks as provided, but not transportation nor hotel accommodation.
  • The number of participants is limited, and registration is mandatory on a first come, first serve basis. Participation will be limited for entities; however additional persons could be included on request.


E.T.S. de Ingeniería Aeronáutica y del Espacio Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)
Plaza del Cardenal Cisneros, 3
28040 Madrid

The campus is accessible by taxi or a 5-minute walk from the closest Madrid metro “Ciudad Universitaria” (Línea 6).

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Hotel accommodation

There are many hotels within a short metro or taxi ride of the campus.

View Hotels