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Refining the Understanding of Systems Modeling and Simulation

Systems Modeling & Simulation Community Meeting

Refining the Understanding of Systems Modeling and Simulation

Tuesday 11th June 2024 | Online

This community session was an interactive discussion dealing with the exploration of the intersection between systems engineering and engineering simulation. These two key technology domains play comprehensive roles in the design, development, optimization, and operational support of complex systems. The NAFEMS guide - What is SMS - introduces the concept of systems modeling and simulation and its connection with Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and Engineering Simulation. However, there is much unexplored regarding the relationship between the disciplines and related subsets, such as requirements modeling, architectural modeling, logical system behavior and physics-based system simulation, and engineering analysis of system elements.


Introduction & SMS Community Updates
Peter Coleman, Chair SMSWG, and Frank Popielas, Co-Chair SMSWG

Refining the Understanding of Systems Modeling and Simulation
Alex Busch, Lead of SMSWG Focus Team “Refine the understanding of Systems Modeling and Simulation”

Open discussion

•What is SMS for you?

•How do the different aspects of SMS relate to each other?

•What are topics of interest for the future?

The Systems Modeling & Simulation Community

The Systems Modeling & Simulation Working Group, which is collaboration between NAFEMS and INCOSE, communicates to the wider engineering community via the Systems Modeling and Simulation Community.

The SMS Community consists of individuals who are either NAFEMS or INCOSE members who have an interest in the topic of Systems Modeling and Simulation but who are not necessarily experts in this area.

The Systems Modeling & Simulation Working Group organises meetings with the SMS Community to keep them informed of developments in the field of SMS and to keep members of the Systems Modeling & Simulation Community abreast of Systems Modeling & Simulation Working Group activities.

J​oin the Systems Modeling & Simulation Community

T​he recording of this meeting is avialable for members of the Systems Modeling & Simulation Community, through this link.

About the presenter

Alexander Busch

Alexander Busch, Ph.D., CSEP is a Senior Application Engineer at Ansys.

Alexander works on Model-Based Engineering incl. System simulation and Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE). He actively participates in the NAFEMS INCOSE Systems Modeling and Simulation Working Group where he leads the Focus Team “Refine the understanding of Systems Modeling and Simulation”.