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Keynote Speakers

2024 NAFEMS France Conference

Keynote Speakers

Nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer les 'Keynotes speakers' de la conférence :

Irene Vignon-Clémentel

Le Jumeau numérique humain EDITH

Irène Vignon Clémentel - INRIA




Stratégie IA & Simulations chez Renault

William Becamel et Rodolphe Gelin - Renault

Rodolphe Gelin

Rodolphe Gelin (1965) started his career at CEA (French Atomic Energy Commission), where he worked on robot control for nuclear applications and on rehabilitation robotics. He oversaw different teams working on robotics, virtual reality and cognitics. In 2009, he joined SoftBank Robotics to lead the ROMEO project to develop a human size humanoid robot to assist elderly people. In 2019, he joined the research department of Renault where he is now expert leader in AI.


William Becamel

William Becamel is currently Expert Leader of Numerical Modeling and Simulations at Renault Group, responsible for numerical methods efficiency and development, within all physical fields. He joined Renault Group in 2003 to work on Aerodynamics and Thermal performance in vehicle projects. After several years dealing with fluid mechanics, he enlarged his domain and worked as synthesis engineer for CD Segment platform vehicles, deploying and validating customer performances requests, to be at the end the Chief Vehicle Engineer of the Megane Plug-in Hybrid.  




Alejandro Ribes Cortes

Techniques d'apprentissage pour les jumeaux numériques industriels, outils et modèles

Alejandro Ribes Cortes - EDF

Since 2009, Alejandro Ribes has been working in the R&D department of EDF, the research center of one of the largest electricity companies in Europe. In 2018, he started to implement artificial intelligence-based methods in the context of advanced numerical simulations. He is currently a member of SINCLAIR (an industrial AI lab), where he mainly works on the creation of machine learning-based surrogates and AI techniques for science. He is also working on how to scale up deep neural networks for engineering problems using supercomputers. Alejandro Ribes holds a Ph.D. from the former Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications (currently Télécom ParisTech), Paris, France. He was a research assistant at the University of Oxford. Alejandro Ribes was also a postdoctoral researcher at the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), Orsay, France, working on parallel MRI reconstruction.



M​ickael Brossard - McKinsey

Intelligence Artificielle : la révolution silencieuse et le temps du changement

M​ickael Brossard - McKinsey

Mickael est l’un des leaders des opérations en France et codirige le développement des produits et les achats à l’échelle mondiale. Dans ces secteurs, il est expert des approches technologiques ainsi que de la transformation digitale des départements R&D.




Digital twins for production and load analysis of wind energy assets


Jean-Lou leads the IFPEN project "digital twin solutions for wind turbines". He graduated from École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay and holds a Ph.D. in fluid mechanics prepared at ONERA. He joined IFPEN shortly after his graduation in 2019, where he continued to develop his skills in multiphysics simulation, built an expertise in data-driven mechanics and digital twins, while also taking on responsibility for supervising Ph.D. and R&I projects.