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Slugger Museum Sponsor

2024 NAFEMS Americas Conference

Slugger Museum Sponsor

$1,000 ( $1,600 Non-Member Rate)

Sponsorship is an excellent way of raising the visibility of your company with the delegates, many of whom are in a position to influence, or approve, the purchase of software, hardware and consultancy solutions.

  • Inclusion in email promotions to delegates in advance of the conference
  • Logo and link to company website on the Slugger Factory Tour Webpage
  • Logo in conference program, whether printed or online
  • One digital item (PDF) shared with attendees (file size 5mb or smaller for each item)



    Product Details

    Order Ref: Museum-Sponsor

    Member Price
    £780.82 | $1000.00 | €935.11
    Non-member Price
    £1249.30 | $1600.00 | €1496.17