
Materials Abstracts

Material Data Reduction for Accurate Nonlinear Structural Analysis
Ap De Graaf - MSC Software, Germany

Contact Material Erosion in Lightning Protection Devices Due to Electric Arcs
Mario Mürmann - HSR Hochschule für Technik IET, Switzerland

The Philosophy and Best-Practices Behind an Accurate Calibration of Complex Polyethylene Films Material Models
Luca Guj - DOW Chemical Europe, Switzerland

Impact of Adhesive Bonding Connection on Durability and Damage Behavior of Long Fiber Reinforced Composites/Steel Assemblies
Okan Otuz - Mercedes-Benz Türk A.Ş, Turkey

Numerical Simulations of Exfoliated Graphite Valve Packing Rings With an Hyperelasto-Hysteresis Model Emilie Viéville - Université Bretagne Sud, France

Structural Analysis with Variable Material Data
Marc Hollenstein - Ansys Switzerland GmbH, Switzerland

Characterising Polymeric Materials for Robust CAE Analysis at JLR
Mark Blagdon - Jaguar Land Rover, United Kingdom

Uncertainty Evaluation for Measurement Applications Using FE Models
Louise Wright - National Physical Laboratory, United Kingdom

Out of Autoclave Process, Numerical Prediction of Springback
Federico de la Escalera - Aernnova Engineering Solutions Iberica S.A., Spain

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