Congress Pen

C​ongress Pen Sponsorship

Everyone loves a good pen - especially as a conference freebie.

G​et your logo printed on the Congress pen, and every delegate will have your name in their pocket –and on their mind– both during and after the Congress.

Product Details

Order Ref: NWC25-Pen
Location: Salzburg
Country: Austria
Type: Sponsorship

Member Price
£2496.61 | $3339.90 | €3000.00
Non-member Price
£3328.80 | $4453.20 | €4000.00

C​all for Abstracts Now Open

S​ubmit your abstract by November 22nd 2024 at the latest.

G​et Started

P​latinum Sponsors

Dassault Systems - Platinum Sponsors of the NAFEMS World Congress 2025

A view of Salzburg, Austria, on a summer day
Mozart statue in Salzburg, Austria
Salzburg Congress, Austria, home of the NAFEMS World Congress 2025