Artist Sponsorship

A​rtist Sponsorship

T​he NAFEMS World Congress Gala Dinner will feature some unmissable entertainment, including artists who will provide attendees with a memorable evening.

G​et your company name front and centre by sponsoring Gala Dinner artist.

Product Details

Order Ref: NWC25-Artist
Location: Salzburg
Country: Austria

Member Price
£4161.00 | $5566.50 | €5000.00
Non-member Price
£5409.30 | $7236.45 | €6500.00

C​all for Abstracts Now Open

S​ubmit your abstract by November 22nd 2024 at the latest.

G​et Started

P​latinum Sponsors

Dassault Systems - Platinum Sponsors of the NAFEMS World Congress 2025

A view of Salzburg, Austria, on a summer day
Mozart statue in Salzburg, Austria
Salzburg Congress, Austria, home of the NAFEMS World Congress 2025