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Systems Modeling & Simulation Community


The SMSWG communicates to the wider engineering community via the Systems Modeling and Simulation Community. The SMS Community consists of individuals who are either NAFEMS or INCOSE members who have an interest in the topic of Systems Modeling and Simulation but who are not necessarily experts in this area.

The SMSWG organizes meetings with the SMS Community to keep them informed of developments in the field of SMS and to keep members of the SMS Community abreast of SMSWG activities.

Join the SMS Community

If you are a member of either NAFEMS or INCOSE and have an interest in Systems Modeling and Simulation you can join the SMS Community and keep informed about developments in the field of SMS and the activities of the Systems Modeling and Simulation Working Group. Click the option below that applies to you.

NAFEMS Members - Join the SMS Community

INCOSE Members - Join the SMS Community

Discussion Forum

SMS Community members are able to continue the discussion outside of community meetings using the SMS Community Discussion Forum.


SMS Community members are able to access the meeting recordings, slides and shared documents.

Review SMS Community Meetings

Dates for the SMS Community Meetings are detailed in the SMS Community Members Area.

08:00 Pacific US

11:00 Eastern US

16:00 UK

17:00 Central Europe

The meetings are hosted online and details for each meeting are distributed to SMS Community members in advance. Face-to-face meetings are also scheduled occasionally in conjunction with INCOSE or NAFEMS events.

Upcoming Meetings

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Previous Meetings