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Multiphysics Working Group Members

Members of the Multiphysics working group and their company affiliation can be found below:

  • AdCo EngineeringGW| Volker Gravemeier
  • Airbus | Yannick Sommerer
  • Altair | Jean-Baptiste Mouillet
  • ANSYS | Chris Wolfe
  • C​onsultant | Mario Felice
  • Dassault Systemes | Albert Kurkchubasche
  • DYNAmore | Nils Karajan
  • Fraunhofer SCAI | Klaus Wolf
  • G​KN Fokker Elmo | Baris Topcuoglu
  • IMAMOTER-CNR | Giuseppe Miccoli
  • John Deere | Swapnil Badgujar
  • Meta | Nagi Elabbasi
  • MVOID Group | Alfred Svobodnik (Chair)
  • NAFEMS Technical Fellow | Anup Puri
  • OST - Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences | Henrik Nordborg (Vice Chair)
  • Physixfactor | Helger van Halewijn
  • Q​uanscient OY | Juha Riippi
  • Q​uiet Consult | Jonathan Jacqmot
  • R​olls-Royce PLC | Nunzio Palumbo
  • TimeTooth Technologies | Girish Mudgal
  • T​WI Limited | Siamak Shishvan
  • UiT - The Arctic University of Norway | Hassan Khawaja
  • University of Luxembourg | Bernhard Peters
  • University of Manchester | Moji Moatamedi
  • University of Warwick | Lukasz Figiel
  • Zurich University of Applied Sciences | Gernot Boiger