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Multibody Dynamics Working Group Members

Companies represented on the Multibody Dynamics Working Group are listed below.

NAFEMS Members can access details of the individual group members (you must be logged in to access these details)

  • Amazon Robotics
  • B​oeing
  • Bremar Automotion
  • Emerson Innovation Center Pune
  • Ford Motor Company
  • FunctionBay Inc.
  • Komatsu Mining Corp.
  • Loughborough University
  • Mabe
  • Mott MacDonald
  • MSC Software
  • NCR Corporation
  • N​issan
  • Oshkosh Corporation
  • Padova University
  • Polytechnic Institute of Porto
  • Rolls-Royce
  • Safran Transmission Systems
  • SayField International
  • Siemens Industry Software
  • S​ultan Qaboos University
  • TimeTooth Technologies Pvt. Ltd
  • Western Norway University of Applied Sciences