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Metallic Additive Manufacturing Focus Team

Metallic Additive Manufacturing
Focus Team

The MANWG Metallic Additive Manufacturing Focus Group was set up in early 2017 and aims to:

  • Share best practice (how-to guides) and promote the standardisation of modelling approaches
  • Make virtual manufacturing tools more accurate, by proposing benchmarks
  • Make the use of virtual manufacturing tools more efficient
Short term:
    • Publish first benchmark cases: buckling of thin walls in LPBF, distortion in WAAM, large displacements during LPBF
    • Publish guidance on the changing of manufacturing process simulations around metal additive manufacturing , e.g. powder spreading > AM > heat treatment > machining
    • P​ublish novel benchmarks on temperature prediction and chaining of process simulations around AM
Long term:
    • Hybrid modelling physics-based - machine learning
    • P​ublish guidance on material property prediction

A list of the current members of the Metallic Additive Manufacturing MANWG Focus Team can be viewed here.

Get Involved

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PLEASE NOTE: all NAFEMS Working Groups are asked to ensure that at least two thirds of their membership are affiliated with a NAFEMS member organisation.