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Manufacturing Process Simulation Working Group Members

  • Jacob Rome, Kevin Qu | The Aerospace Corporation (Metals Additive Focus Group)
  • Sjoerd Van-Der-Veen | Airbus (Chair) (Metals Additive Focus Group Chair) (Assembly Simulation Focus Group)
  • Johannes Balvers | Airbus Helicopters Deutschland GmbH (Composites Focus Group) (Metals Focus Group)
  • Juan de la Gandara | Airbus Operations SL (Metals Additive Focus Group)
  • A​nne Le Pied | Airbus (Metals Focus Group)
  • S​imone Bonino | Altair (Hyperworks)
  • Sunil Acharya, Richard Mitchell, Enrique Escobar| ANSYS
  • F​rank Yu | Boeing
  • Tom de Vuyst | Brunel University (Metals Focus Group)
  • M​uthukrishnan Srinivasan | Caterpillar India (Assembly Simulation Focus Group Chair)
  • Keith Nyatsungo | Centre for Process Innovation (CPI)
  • N​ovin Aryafar | Collins Aerospace (Composites Focus Group)
  • Yongle Sun | Cranfield University (Metals Additive Focus Group)
  • Robert Done | Crown Technology
  • H​uidi Ji | Dassault Systemes (Metals Additive Focus Group)
  • Liangka Ma | Dow Chemical Company
  • Trevor Dutton | Dutton Simulation (Metals Focus Group Chair) (Metals Additive Focus Group)
  • Nicola Gramegna | Enginsoft (Metals Additive Focus Group) (Metals Focus Group)
  • M​arco Schüerg, Vincenzo Abbatielli | EOS (Metals Additive Focus Group)
  • Rajab Said | ESI Group
  • N​enad Kovacevic  | GRUNDFOS
  • Gino Duffett | Herbertus & NAFEMS Projects Officer (Metals Focus Group)
  • Auday Al-rawe | Intrinsys
  • P​aul Hurrell | Jacobs  (Metals Additive Focus Group) (Metals Focus Group)
  • Jonathan Belnoue, Steve Green | National Composites Centre (Composites Focus Group)
  • Shukri Afazov | Nottingham Trent University
  • Johnathan Goodsell | Purdue University
  • Gary Menary | Queen's University Belfast
  • Duncan Putman, Sam Gardner | Rolls Royce (Metals Additive Focus Group) (Metals Additive Focus Group) (Metals Focus Group)
  • François Pichot  | SAFRAN Additive Manufacturing Campus
  • W​illiam Albouy  | SAFRAN Composites (Composites Focus Group)
  • Z​hanli Guo | Sente Software Ltd
  • Sabino Ayvar-Soberanis | Sheffield University
  • T​om van Eekelen | Siemens
  • Y​upiter HP Manurung | Smart Manufacturing Research Institute (SMRI), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia (Metals Additive Focus Group) (Metals Focus Group)
  • Christopher Freitas | Southwest Research Institute (Metals Additive Focus Group) (Composites Focus Group) (Metals Focus Group)
  • Etienne Bonnaud | Swerea KIMAB (Metals Additive Focus Group)
  • Stefan Kollmannsberger | Technische Universität München (TUM)  (Metals Additive Focus Group)
  • Eva Anglada | Tecnalia (Metals Additive Focus Group)
  • Joshua Huang | Tesla Motors Inc. (Metals Additive Focus Group) (Metals Focus Group)
  • Richard Ducloux | Transvalor S.A.
  • Anas Yaghi | TWI (Vice Chair) (Composites Manufacturing Focus Group) (Metals Additive Focus Group) (Metals Focus Group)
  • S​iamak Shishvan | TWI (Composites Manufacturing Focus Group)
  • Tyler London | Reckitt (Metals Additive Focus Group) (Metals Focus Group)
  • Alireza Forghani | The University of British Columbia / Convergent (Metals Additive Focus Group) (Composites Focus Group)
  • Albert To | University of Pittsburgh (Metals Additive Focus Group)
  • Michele Chiumenti | Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya - CIMNE (Metals Additive Focus Group)
  • Jianglin Huang | University of Strathclyde/AFR
  • Sumit Hazra | Warwick University / WMG (Metals Focus Group)
  • James Farrar | Wilde Analysis (Metals Additive Focus Group) (Metals Focus Group)