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EDSWG Members

Engineering Data Science Working Group - Members

The NAFEMS Engineering Data Science Working Group was formed in early 2021. If you would like to express your interest in becoming part of this community please complete the "Get Involved" form.

  • Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory | Olivia Fischer
  • Airbus | Stéphane Grihon
  • Altair | Fatma Kocer-Poyraz (Vice Chair)
  • A​nsys | Kalyan Sharma
  • BMW | Moritz Frenzel
  • Boeing | Vladimir Balabanov (Chair), Todd DePauw
  • Caterpillar Inc. | Cheng Yu
  • Ford Motor Company | Catherine Amodeo
  • Fraunhofer SCAI | Jochen Garcke
  • GE | Xiao-Peng Gan
  • J​ohn Deere | Donald Harby
  • Kinetic Vision | Shane Mooney
  • M​anchester University | Saleh Rezaeiravesh
  • Maya HTT Ltd | Remi Duquette
  • Monolith AI | Peter Wooldridge
  • Neural Concept | Pierre Baqué
  • O​hio State University | Jami Shah
  • O​wens Corning Science & Technology | Alexander Lohse
  • P​olitecnico di Torino | Alberto Ciampaglia
  • Rolls Royce | Carsten Buchholz, Alexander Karl
  • Siemens Energy | Astrid Walle