Members of the NAFEMS Composites Working Group are listed below.
- Eduardo Oslé Dorremochea | Airbus
- Jeff Wollschlager | Altair Engineering
- Melih Papila | California State University, Northridge
- Anthony Floyd | Convergent Manufacturing Technologies Inc.
- Olivia Stodieck | Dapta
- Thomas Muenz | DYNAmore
- Fabio Soares | Embraer
- Patrick De Luca | ESI Group
- Christian Brauner | Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Switzerland (FHNW)
- Tony Abbey | FETraining
- Robert Cook | Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence
- Sanjay Sharma, Robert Yancey (Chair) | Hexcel
- Mike Hinton | High Value Manufacturing Catapult
- Richard Degenhardt | Institute of Composite Structures and Adaptive Systems
- Stephanie Miot | IRT Saint Exupéry
- Peter Bartholomew, Klaus Rohwer | NAFEMS Technical Fellow
- James Ratcliffe | NASA Langley Research Center
- Cristian Lira | National Composites Centre
- Kim Parnell | Parnell Engineering and Consulting
- Johnathan Goodsell, Byron Pipes, Wenbin Yu | Purdue University and Composites Design & Manufacturing Hub
- Adrian Orifici | RMIT University
- Julien Simon | Siemens Digital Industries Software
- Michael Bruyneel | University of Liege
- Charles Roche | Western New England University
- Ned Patton | Patton Engineering
- Eda Gok Akel | Roketsan Inc
- Joe Schaefer | Boeing
- Mark Arnold | DRVN Advanced Engineering
- Jon Taylor | National Composites Centre
- Novin Aryafar | Collins Aerospace