The primary goal of the ASSESS Initiative is to facilitate a revolution of enablement that will vastly increase the availability and utility of engineering simulation, leading to significantly increased usage and greater business benefit from model-based engineering simulation technologies across the full spectrum of industries, applications, and users. Engineering simulation technologies include simulation, analysis, systems engineering, and simulation-driven design used in the engineering application domain.
The ASSESS Initiative is organized around a key set of themes associated with expanding the usage and benefit of engineering simulation in the medium term. The annual ASSESS Summit provides an opportunity for participants to explore and progress these themes in depth. Theme-focused groups have been established to move the actionable themes forward between each ASSESS Summit by providing direction and guidance related to the mission, goals, activities, deliverables and collaborations for each ASSESS theme.
The theme topics are reviewed regularly and updated when needed.
BusinessBusiness Challenges
CertificationAchieving Certification by Engineering Simulation
CredibilityEngineering Simulation Confidence & Governance
DemocratizationDemocratization of Engineering Simulation
IntegrationIntegration of Systems and Detailed Sub-System Simulations
TwinsEngineering Simulation Digital Twin(s)
AlignAlignment of Commercial, Research and Government Efforts
AutonomySupporting Autonomy with Engineering Simulation
GenerativeGenerative Design
As part of the ASSESS Initiative, NAFEMS interacts and collaborates with multiple activities and organizations across the complete spectrum of Engineering Simulation for each theme including INCOSE, IEEE, CIMdata, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, and others.
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