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Education and Training

Education and Training Working Group

Aims & Objectives

NAFEMS Education and Training Working Group has three main tasks. These are:

  • To produce educational documents
  • To accredit training courses and to monitor their delivery

Technical Areas Covered

All educational aspects of FE and CFD technology

Terms of Reference

The NAFEMS Education and Training Working Group (ETWG) was formed to examine the education and training needs for all numerical analysts and to provide information and documents to satisfy these needs.


To provide the educational and training material to satisfy the requirements of:

  1. Less-experienced analysts, to enable them to produce reliable and accurate numerical predictions.
  2. More-experienced analysts, to enable them to extend their area of expertise and to share their knowledge and expertise with the wider community.

The Terms of Reference for the ETWG can be viewed below:


An outline of the group's remit and activities can be downloaded below:


If you would like to express an interest in becoming a member the ETWG, please complete this form.

Adib Becker

ETWG Chair

Adib Becker
NAFEMS Technical Fellow