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NWC09 - Special Session on HPC - Call for Papers

Special Session on High Performance Computing in Engineering Simulation

Call for Papers

The NAFEMS World Congress 2009 will play host a special session titled High Performance Computing in Engineering Simulation .  In this session, a number of hardware vendors are being invited to give presentations about how technological developments in High Performance Computing (HPC) can benefit the engineering analysis community.  Each talk is expected to give a light overview of the chosen hardware technology and examples where it has or could prove beneficial to the practising engineer.

The target audience comprises managers of engineering analysis departments, practising engineers and software vendors.  To give an idea of the nature of typical presentations, software vendors usually send speakers from a technical sales background who highlight particular technical challenges and how they have been resolved.  In this way, the congress promotes dialogue between customers and vendors, helping to deliver new and improved tools to the engineering analysis community.

Until recently, there has been little interest in the contribution hardware vendors could make to NAFEMS, mainly because the majority of engineering consultancies used simulation software on desktop PCs.  This situation is changing rapidly, driven principally by a shift towards higher fidelity and more physically realistic engineering simulations.  Many of the engineering software vendors now provide scalable simulation software that can make use of parallel computing platforms comprising 100’s of processors.  It follows that the overarching aim of this session is to bring hardware vendors into direct contact with a growing user community: A new relationship that NAFEMS hopes to encourage.

If you are interested in participating in this session, please contact the session organiser,

Dr Lee Margetts, NAFEMS Iberia Steering Group
Manchester Computing,
University of Manchester,
Kilburn Building,
Oxford Road
M13 9PL

0044(0)161 275 6319

To submit a paper for this session, please follow the abstract submission guidelines here . Please indicate “HPC” when submitting.