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BQP demonstrates quantum-based large-scale fluid dynamic simulations

BQP demonstrates quantum-based large-scale fluid dynamic simulations

After conducting ~100000 experiments, BQP researchers published their work in a paper where they estimated that large-scale CFD simulation of a jet engine can be achieved with only 30 logical qubits on a quantum computer, leading to better accuracy, efficiency, and costs than current methods.

A previous study, which inspired the BQP team to undertake this research, found that it required 19.2m compute cores to perform this same simulation with classical algorithms on state-of-the-art High-Performance Computers (HPCs).

“This study is pivotal as it would democratise large-scale CFD simulation for every engineer once quantum computers become utility-scale,” explained Abhishek Chopra, founder, CEO, and Chief Scientific Officer at BQP. “In the future, what would engineers have easier access to – 19.2M HPC cores or 30-logical-qubit quantum computers? I bet on the latter.”
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